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Our America

A virtual reality experience, Our America places players in the shoes of an African American father who comes to terms with police brutality while driving his son to school. As Lead Artist for this USC Advanced Game Project I was tasked with producing all character models, textures, rigging (advanced skeleton) and motion captured animations (see below) as well as vehicles interior models and an interior living room scene. This was a 2 semester project (8 month).

Final Malcom Head 3.JPG
malcom weight painted.PNG
malcom Final Tex.PNG
Police AS Complete.PNG

Motion Capture Animations

 Animations for some of characters were captured using the in-house Mocap studio at USC before the Covid-Pandemic closed its operations. Remaining Animations were captured using Perception Neuron and Rokoko suits. All animations were captured under my own supervision includng setting up the Mocap space, suiting up the actors, and cleaning the footage.

skeleton 1.PNG

Anatomy Study

A personal project focusing on the anatomy of the male upper body. This was sculpted in Zbrush.

skeleton 2.PNG


A Tower Defense game developed for a class. As Lead Artist I was tasked with providing character models with simple attack animations.

mino weights.PNG
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