Lukas Schwarzer 2020 Art CV
Lukas Schwarzer 2020 Art CV
Venetian Environment Unreal Engine
This environment piece was a personal project. Blocked out and modeled all assets in Maya. Textures were self authored inside of Substance Painter. Scene was constructed using Unreal 4.26 with its new water and atmospheric system.
Lighting, Water,
and Atmospheric Systems
Scene Composition
Unreal Sequencer

Apollo @ApolloExp

Apollo is an experimental multiplayer VR game about the NASA moon missions developed in UNITY.
In it, one astronaut player and up to four mission command players relive the disastrous and historic highlights of the Apollo space program.
My role on the project included providing all in game art assets as well as extensive scripting in Unity.
Apollo was nominated for Best Student Game by G4C 2020.

Asset optimization for VR
C# gameplay scripting

Wheelin' & Mealin'
- Art Lead
A 2 player cooking/driving game developed in Unreal Engine 4.
I was responsible for leading the Art team of 10 artists (Art Director, Concept Artists, 3D modelers, Tech Artist), my role included acting as the teams Art Supervisor as well as working on environment and character assets, rigging/animating. I also utilizing Unreal's profiling tools and Houdini to help optimize the game's assets to run at performant levels on low-spec PC hardware.
Team Leading
Profiling and Asset Optimization in Unreal
Instancing w/ Houdini

Character Base Mesh